Source code for pyswarms.backend.topology.ring

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

A Ring Network Topology

This class implements a ring topology. In this topology,
the particles are connected with their k nearest neighbors.
This social behavior is often found in LocalBest PSO

# Import standard library
import logging

# Import modules
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree

from .. import operators as ops
from ..handlers import BoundaryHandler, VelocityHandler
from ...utils.reporter import Reporter
from .base import Topology

[docs]class Ring(Topology):
[docs] def __init__(self, static=False): """Initializes the class Parameters ---------- static : bool (Default is :code:`False`) a boolean that decides whether the topology is static or dynamic """ super(Ring, self).__init__(static) self.rep = Reporter(logger=logging.getLogger(__name__))
[docs] def compute_gbest(self, swarm, p, k, **kwargs): """Update the global best using a ring-like neighborhood approach This uses the cKDTree method from :code:`scipy` to obtain the nearest neighbors. Parameters ---------- swarm : pyswarms.backend.swarms.Swarm a Swarm instance p: int {1,2} the Minkowski p-norm to use. 1 is the sum-of-absolute values (or L1 distance) while 2 is the Euclidean (or L2) distance. k : int number of neighbors to be considered. Must be a positive integer less than :code:`n_particles` Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Best position of shape :code:`(n_dimensions, )` float Best cost """ try: # Check if the topology is static or not and assign neighbors if (self.static and self.neighbor_idx is None) or not self.static: # Obtain the nearest-neighbors for each particle tree = cKDTree(swarm.position) _, self.neighbor_idx = tree.query( swarm.position, p=p, k=k ) # Map the computed costs to the neighbour indices and take the # argmin. If k-neighbors is equal to 1, then the swarm acts # independently of each other. if k == 1: # The minimum index is itself, no mapping needed. self.neighbor_idx = self.neighbor_idx[:, np.newaxis] best_neighbor = np.arange(swarm.n_particles) else: idx_min = swarm.pbest_cost[self.neighbor_idx].argmin(axis=1) best_neighbor = self.neighbor_idx[ np.arange(len(self.neighbor_idx)), idx_min ] # Obtain best cost and position best_cost = np.min(swarm.pbest_cost[best_neighbor]) best_pos = swarm.pbest_pos[best_neighbor] except AttributeError: self.rep.logger.exception( "Please pass a Swarm class. You passed {}".format(type(swarm)) ) raise else: return (best_pos, best_cost)
[docs] def compute_velocity( self, swarm, clamp=None, vh=VelocityHandler(strategy="unmodified"), bounds=None, ): """Compute the velocity matrix This method updates the velocity matrix using the best and current positions of the swarm. The velocity matrix is computed using the cognitive and social terms of the swarm. A sample usage can be seen with the following: .. code-block :: python import pyswarms.backend as P from pyswarms.backend.swarm import Swarm from pyswarms.backend.handlers import VelocityHandler from pyswarms.backend.topology import Ring my_swarm = P.create_swarm(n_particles, dimensions) my_topology = Ring(static=False) my_vh = VelocityHandler(strategy="invert") for i in range(iters): # Inside the for-loop my_swarm.velocity = my_topology.update_velocity(my_swarm, clamp, my_vh, bounds) Parameters ---------- swarm : pyswarms.backend.swarms.Swarm a Swarm instance clamp : tuple of floats (default is :code:`None`) a tuple of size 2 where the first entry is the minimum velocity and the second entry is the maximum velocity. It sets the limits for velocity clamping. vh : pyswarms.backend.handlers.VelocityHandler a VelocityHandler instance bounds : tuple of :code:`np.ndarray` or list (default is :code:`None`) a tuple of size 2 where the first entry is the minimum bound while the second entry is the maximum bound. Each array must be of shape :code:`(dimensions,)`. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Updated velocity matrix """ return ops.compute_velocity(swarm, clamp, vh, bounds)
[docs] def compute_position( self, swarm, bounds=None, bh=BoundaryHandler(strategy="periodic") ): """Update the position matrix This method updates the position matrix given the current position and the velocity. If bounded, it waives updating the position. Parameters ---------- swarm : pyswarms.backend.swarms.Swarm a Swarm instance bounds : tuple of :code:`np.ndarray` or list (default is :code:`None`) a tuple of size 2 where the first entry is the minimum bound while the second entry is the maximum bound. Each array must be of shape :code:`(dimensions,)`. bh : pyswarms.backend.handlers.BoundaryHandler a BoundaryHandler instance Returns ------- numpy.ndarray New position-matrix """ return ops.compute_position(swarm, bounds, bh)