Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Hyperparameter grid search.

Compares the relative performance of hyperparameter value combinations in
optimizing a specified objective function.

For each hyperparameter, user can provide either a single value or a list
of possible values. The cartesian products of these hyperparameters are taken
to produce a grid of all possible combinations. These combinations are then
tested to produce a list of objective function scores. The search method
default returns the minimum objective function score and hyperparameters that
yield the minimum score, yet maximum score can also be evaluated.

>>> options = {'c1': [1, 2, 3],
               'c2': [1, 2, 3],
               'w' : [2, 3, 5],
               'k' : [5, 10, 15],
               'p' : 1}
>>> g = GridSearch(LocalBestPSO, n_particles=40, dimensions=20,
                   options=options, objective_func=sphere, iters=10)
>>> best_score, best_options =
>>> best_score
>>> best_options['c1']
>>> best_options['c2']

# Import from __future__
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, with_statement

# Import standard library
import itertools

# Import from pyswarms
# Import from package
from import SearchBase

[docs]class GridSearch(SearchBase): """Exhaustive search of optimal performance on selected objective function over all combinations of specified hyperparameter values."""
[docs] def __init__( self, optimizer, n_particles, dimensions, options, objective_func, iters, bounds=None, velocity_clamp=(0, 1), ): """Initialize the Search""" # Assign attributes super(GridSearch, self).__init__( optimizer, n_particles, dimensions, options, objective_func, iters, bounds=bounds, velocity_clamp=velocity_clamp, ) # invoke assertions self.assertions()
[docs] def generate_grid(self): """Generate the grid of all hyperparameter value combinations""" # Extract keys and values from options dictionary params = self.options.keys() items = [ x if type(x) == list else [x] for x in list(zip(*self.options.items()))[1] ] # Create list of cartesian products of hyperparameter values # from options list_of_products = list(itertools.product(*items)) # Return list of dicts for all hyperparameter value combinations return [dict(zip(*[params, list(x)])) for x in list_of_products]