Source code for pyswarms.utils.plotters.formatters

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Plot Formatters

This module implements helpful classes to format your plots or create meshes.

# Import modules
import numpy as np
from attr import attrib, attrs
from attr.validators import instance_of
from matplotlib import cm, colors
import multiprocessing as mp

[docs]@attrs class Designer(object): """Designer class for specifying a plot's formatting and design You can use this class for specifying design-related customizations to your plot. This can be passed in various functions found in the :mod:`pyswarms.utils.plotters` module. .. code-block :: python from pyswarms.utils.plotters import plot_cost_history from pyswarms.utils.plotters.formatters import Designer # Set title_fontsize into 20 my_designer = Designer(title_fontsize=20) # Assuming we already had an optimizer ready plot_cost_history(cost_history, designer=my_designer) Attributes ---------- figsize : tuple Overall figure size. Default is `(10, 8)` title_fontsize : str, int, or float Size of the plot's title. Default is `large` text_fontsize : str, int, or float Size of the plot's labels and legend. Default is `medium` legend : str Label to show in the legend. For cost histories, it states the label of the line plot. Default is `Cost` label : array_like Label to show in the x, y, or z-axis. For a 3D plot, please pass an iterable with three elements. Default is :code:`['x-axis', 'y-axis', 'z-axis']` limits : list The x-, y-, z- limits of the axes. Pass an iterable with the number of elements representing the number of axes. Default is :code:`[(-1, 1), (-1, 1), (-1, 1)]` colormap : Colormap for contour plots. Default is `cm.viridis` """ # Overall plot design figsize = attrib(type=tuple, validator=instance_of(tuple), default=(10, 8)) title_fontsize = attrib( validator=instance_of((str, int, float)), default="large" ) text_fontsize = attrib( validator=instance_of((str, int, float)), default="medium" ) legend = attrib(validator=instance_of(str), default="Cost") label = attrib( validator=instance_of((str, list, tuple)), default=["x-axis", "y-axis", "z-axis"], ) limits = attrib( validator=instance_of((list, tuple)), default=[(-1, 1), (-1, 1), (-1, 1)], ) colormap = attrib( validator=instance_of(colors.Colormap), default=cm.viridis )
[docs]@attrs class Animator(object): """Animator class for specifying animation behavior You can use this class to modify options on how the animation will be run in the :func:`pyswarms.utils.plotters.plot_contour` and :func:`pyswarms.utils.plotters.plot_surface` methods. .. code-block :: python from pyswarms.utils.plotters import plot_contour from pyswarms.utils.plotters.formatters import Animator # Do not repeat animation my_animator = Animator(repeat=False) # Assuming we already had an optimizer ready plot_contour(pos_history, animator=my_animator) Attributes ---------- interval : int Sets the interval or speed into which the animation is played. Default is `80` repeat_delay : int or float, optional Sets the delay before repeating the animation again. repeat : bool, optional Pass `False` if you don't want to repeat the animation. Default is `True` """ interval = attrib(type=int, validator=instance_of(int), default=80) repeat_delay = attrib(default=None) repeat = attrib(type=bool, validator=instance_of(bool), default=True)
[docs]@attrs class Mesher(object): """Mesher class for plotting contours of objective functions This class enables drawing a surface plot of a given objective function. You can customize how this plot is drawn with this class. Pass an instance of this class to enable meshing. .. code-block :: python from pyswarms.utils.plotters import plot_surface from pyswarms.utils.plotters.formatters import Mesher from pyswarms.utils.functions import single_obj as fx # Use sphere function my_mesher = Mesher(func=fx.sphere) # Assuming we already had an optimizer ready plot_surface(pos_history, mesher=my_mesher) Attributes ---------- func : callable Objective function to plot a surface of. delta : float Number of steps when generating the surface plot Default is `0.001` limits : list or tuple The range, in each axis, where the mesh will be drawn. Default is :code:`[(-1,1), (-1,1)]` levels : list or int, optional Levels on which the contours are shown. If :code:`int` is passed, then `matplotlib` automatically computes for the level positions. Default is :code:`numpy.arange(-2.0, 2.0, 0.070)` alpha : float, optional Transparency of the surface plot. Default is `0.3` limits : list, optional The x-, y-, z- limits of the axes. Pass an iterable with the number of elements representing the number of axes. Default is :code:`[(-1, 1), (-1, 1)]` """ func = attrib() # For mesh creation delta = attrib(type=float, default=0.001) limits = attrib( validator=instance_of((list, tuple)), default=[(-1, 1), (-1, 1)] ) levels = attrib(type=list, default=np.arange(-2.0, 2.0, 0.070)) # Surface transparency alpha = attrib(type=float, validator=instance_of(float), default=0.3)
[docs] def compute_history_3d(self, pos_history, n_processes=None): """Compute a 3D position matrix The first two columns are the 2D position in the x and y axes respectively, while the third column is the fitness on that given position. Parameters ---------- pos_history : numpy.ndarray Two-dimensional position matrix history of shape :code:`(iterations, n_particles, 2)` n_processes : int number of processes to use for parallel mesh point calculation (default: None = no parallelization) Returns ------- numpy.ndarray 3D position matrix of shape :code:`(iterations, n_particles, 3)` """ # Setup Pool of processes for parallel evaluation pool = None if n_processes is None else mp.Pool(n_processes) if pool is None: fitness = np.array(list(map(self.func, pos_history))) else: iter_r = [] # Iterate over iterations for i in range(len(pos_history)): # Parallelize particles r_map_split = self.func, np.array_split(np.array(pos_history[i]), pool._processes), ) iter_r.append(np.array(np.concatenate(r_map_split))) fitness = np.array(iter_r) # Close Pool of Processes if n_processes is not None: pool.close() return np.dstack((pos_history, fitness))