Source code for pyswarms.backend.topology.von_neumann

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

A Von Neumann Network Topology

This class implements a Von Neumann topology.

# Import standard library
import logging

from ...utils.reporter import Reporter
from .ring import Ring

[docs]class VonNeumann(Ring):
[docs] def __init__(self, static=None): # static = None is just an artifact to make the API consistent # Setting it will not change swarm behavior super(VonNeumann, self).__init__(static=True) self.rep = Reporter(logger=logging.getLogger(__name__))
[docs] def compute_gbest(self, swarm, p, r, **kwargs): """Updates the global best using a neighborhood approach The Von Neumann topology inherits from the Ring topology and uses the same approach to calculate the global best. The number of neighbors is determined by the dimension and the range. This topology is always a :code:`static` topology. Parameters ---------- swarm : pyswarms.backend.swarms.Swarm a Swarm instance r : int range of the Von Neumann topology p: int {1,2} the Minkowski p-norm to use. 1 is the sum-of-absolute values (or L1 distance) while 2 is the Euclidean (or L2) distance. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Best position of shape :code:`(n_dimensions, )` float Best cost """ k = VonNeumann.delannoy(swarm.dimensions, r) return super(VonNeumann, self).compute_gbest(swarm, p, k)
[docs] @staticmethod def delannoy(d, r): """Static helper method to compute Delannoy numbers This method computes the number of neighbours of a Von Neumann topology, i.e. a Delannoy number, dependent on the range and the dimension of the search space. The Delannoy numbers are computed recursively. Parameters ---------- d : int dimension of the search space r : int range of the Von Neumann topology Returns ------- int Delannoy number""" if d == 0 or r == 0: return 1 else: del_number = ( VonNeumann.delannoy(d - 1, r) + VonNeumann.delannoy(d - 1, r - 1) + VonNeumann.delannoy(d, r - 1) ) return del_number