Source code for pyswarms.backend.topology.base

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Base class for Topologies

You can use this class to create your own topology. Note that every Topology
should implement a way to compute the (1) best particle, the (2) next
position, and the (3) next velocity given the Swarm's attributes at a given
timestep. Not implementing these methods will raise an error.

In addition, this class must interface with any class found in the
:mod:`pyswarms.backend.swarms.Swarm` module.

# Import standard library
import abc
import logging

from ...utils.reporter import Reporter

[docs]class Topology(abc.ABC):
[docs] def __init__(self, static, **kwargs): """Initializes the class""" # Initialize logger self.rep = Reporter(logger=logging.getLogger(__name__)) # Initialize attributes self.static = static self.neighbor_idx = None if self.static: self.rep.log( "Running on `dynamic` topology," "set `static=True` for fixed neighbors.", lvl=logging.DEBUG, )
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def compute_gbest(self, swarm): """Compute the best particle of the swarm and return the cost and position""" raise NotImplementedError("Topology::compute_gbest()")
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def compute_position(self, swarm): """Update the swarm's position-matrix""" raise NotImplementedError("Topology::compute_position()")
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def compute_velocity(self, swarm): """Update the swarm's velocity-matrix""" raise NotImplementedError("Topology::compute_velocity()")