Source code for pyswarms.backend.handlers


This module provides Handler classes for the position, velocity and time varying acceleration coefficients
of particles. Particles that do not stay inside these boundary conditions have to
be handled by either adjusting their position after they left the bounded
search space or adjusting their velocity when it would position them outside
the search space. In particular, this approach is important if the optimium of
a function is near the boundaries.
For the following documentation let :math:`x_{i, t, d} \ ` be the :math:`d` th
coordinate of the particle :math:`i` 's position vector at the time :math:`t`,
:math:`lb` the vector of the lower boundaries and :math:`ub` the vector of the
upper boundaries.
The :class:`OptionsHandler` class provide methods which allow faster and better convergence by varying 
the options :math:`w, c_{1}, c_{2}` with various strategies.

The algorithms in the :class:`BoundaryHandler` and :class:`VelocityHandler` classes are adapted from [SH2010]

[SH2010] Sabine Helwig, "Particle Swarms for Constrained Optimization",
PhD thesis, Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 2010.

import inspect
import logging

import numpy as np
import math
from copy import copy

from ..utils.reporter import Reporter

[docs]class HandlerMixin(object): """A HandlerMixing class This class offers some basic functionality for the Handlers. """ def _merge_dicts(self, *dict_args): """Backward-compatible helper method to combine two dicts""" result = {} for dictionary in dict_args: result.update(dictionary) return result def _out_of_bounds(self, position, bounds): """Helper method to find indices of out-of-bound positions This method finds the indices of the particles that are out-of-bound. """ lb, ub = bounds greater_than_bound = np.nonzero(position > ub) lower_than_bound = np.nonzero(position < lb) return (lower_than_bound, greater_than_bound) def _get_all_strategies(self): """Helper method to automatically generate a dict of strategies""" return { k: v for k, v in inspect.getmembers(self, predicate=inspect.isroutine) if not k.startswith(("__", "_")) }
[docs]class BoundaryHandler(HandlerMixin):
[docs] def __init__(self, strategy): """A BoundaryHandler class This class offers a way to handle boundary conditions. It contains methods to repair particle positions outside of the defined boundaries. Following strategies are available for the handling: * Nearest: Reposition the particle to the nearest bound. * Random: Reposition the particle randomly in between the bounds. * Shrink: Shrink the velocity of the particle such that it lands on the bounds. * Reflective: Mirror the particle position from outside the bounds to inside the bounds. * Intermediate: Reposition the particle to the midpoint between its current position on the bound surpassing axis and the bound itself. This only adjusts the axes that surpass the boundaries. The BoundaryHandler can be called as a function to use the strategy that is passed at initialization to repair boundary issues. An example for the usage: .. code-block :: python from pyswarms.backend import operators as op from pyswarms.backend.handlers import BoundaryHandler bh = BoundaryHandler(strategy="reflective") ops.compute_position(swarm, bounds, handler=bh) By passing the handler, the :func:`compute_position()` function now has the ability to reset the particles by calling the :code:`BoundaryHandler` inside. Attributes ---------- strategy : str The strategy to use. To see all available strategies, call :code:`BoundaryHandler.strategies` """ self.strategy = strategy self.strategies = self._get_all_strategies() self.rep = Reporter(logger=logging.getLogger(__name__)) self.memory = None
[docs] def __call__(self, position, bounds, **kwargs): """Apply the selected strategy to the position-matrix given the bounds Parameters ---------- position : numpy.ndarray The swarm position to be handled bounds : tuple of numpy.ndarray or list a tuple of size 2 where the first entry is the minimum bound while the second entry is the maximum bound. Each array must be of shape :code:`(dimensions,)` kwargs : dict Returns ------- numpy.ndarray the adjusted positions of the swarm """ try: new_position = self.strategies[self.strategy]( position, bounds, **kwargs ) except KeyError: message = "Unrecognized strategy: {}. Choose one among: " + str( [strat for strat in self.strategies.keys()] ) self.rep.logger.exception(message.format(self.strategy)) raise else: return new_position
[docs] def nearest(self, position, bounds, **kwargs): r"""Set position to nearest bound This method resets particles that exceed the bounds to the nearest available boundary. For every axis on which the coordiantes of the particle surpasses the boundary conditions the coordinate is set to the respective bound that it surpasses. The following equation describes this strategy: .. math:: x_{i, t, d} = \begin{cases} lb_d & \quad \text{if }x_{i, t, d} < lb_d \\ ub_d & \quad \text{if }x_{i, t, d} > ub_d \\ x_{i, t, d} & \quad \text{otherwise} \end{cases} """ lb, ub = bounds bool_greater = position > ub bool_lower = position < lb new_pos = np.where(bool_lower, lb, position) new_pos = np.where(bool_greater, ub, new_pos) return new_pos
[docs] def reflective(self, position, bounds, **kwargs): r"""Reflect the particle at the boundary This method reflects the particles that exceed the bounds at the respective boundary. This means that the amount that the component which is orthogonal to the exceeds the boundary is mirrored at the boundary. The reflection is repeated until the position of the particle is within the boundaries. The following algorithm describes the behaviour of this strategy: .. math:: :nowrap: \begin{gather*} \text{while } x_{i, t, d} \not\in \left[lb_d,\,ub_d\right] \\ \text{ do the following:}\\ \\ x_{i, t, d} = \begin{cases} 2\cdot lb_d - x_{i, t, d} & \quad \text{if } x_{i, t, d} < lb_d \\ 2\cdot ub_d - x_{i, t, d} & \quad \text{if } x_{i, t, d} > ub_d \\ x_{i, t, d} & \quad \text{otherwise} \end{cases} \end{gather*} """ lb, ub = bounds lower_than_bound, greater_than_bound = self._out_of_bounds( position, bounds ) new_pos = position while lower_than_bound[0].size != 0 or greater_than_bound[0].size != 0: if lower_than_bound[0].size > 0: new_pos[lower_than_bound] = ( 2 * lb[lower_than_bound[1]] - new_pos[lower_than_bound] ) if greater_than_bound[0].size > 0: new_pos[greater_than_bound] = ( 2 * ub[greater_than_bound[1]] - new_pos[greater_than_bound] ) lower_than_bound, greater_than_bound = self._out_of_bounds( new_pos, bounds ) return new_pos
[docs] def shrink(self, position, bounds, **kwargs): r"""Set the particle to the boundary This method resets particles that exceed the bounds to the intersection of its previous velocity and the boundary. This can be imagined as shrinking the previous velocity until the particle is back in the valid search space. Let :math:`\sigma_{i, t, d}` be the :math:`d` th shrinking value of the :math:`i` th particle at the time :math:`t` and :math:`v_{i, t}` the velocity of the :math:`i` th particle at the time :math:`t`. Then the new position is computed by the following equation: .. math:: :nowrap: \begin{gather*} \mathbf{x}_{i, t} = \mathbf{x}_{i, t-1} + \sigma_{i, t} \mathbf{v}_{i, t} \\ \\ \text{with} \\ \\ \sigma_{i, t, d} = \begin{cases} \frac{lb_d-x_{i, t-1, d}}{v_{i, t, d}} & \quad \text{if } x_{i, t, d} < lb_d \\ \frac{ub_d-x_{i, t-1, d}}{v_{i, t, d}} & \quad \text{if } x_{i, t, d} > ub_d \\ 1 & \quad \text{otherwise} \end{cases} \\ \\ \text{and} \\ \\ \sigma_{i, t} = \min_{d=1...n} \sigma_{i, t, d} \\ \end{gather*} """ if self.memory is None: new_pos = position self.memory = new_pos else: lb, ub = bounds lower_than_bound, greater_than_bound = self._out_of_bounds( position, bounds ) velocity = position - self.memory # Create a coefficient matrix sigma = np.tile(1.0, position.shape) sigma[lower_than_bound] = ( lb[lower_than_bound[1]] - self.memory[lower_than_bound] ) / velocity[lower_than_bound] sigma[greater_than_bound] = ( ub[greater_than_bound[1]] - self.memory[greater_than_bound] ) / velocity[greater_than_bound] min_sigma = np.amin(sigma, axis=1) new_pos = position new_pos[lower_than_bound[0]] = ( self.memory[lower_than_bound[0]] + np.multiply( min_sigma[lower_than_bound[0]], velocity[lower_than_bound[0]].T, ).T ) new_pos[greater_than_bound[0]] = ( self.memory[greater_than_bound[0]] + np.multiply( min_sigma[greater_than_bound[0]], velocity[greater_than_bound[0]].T, ).T ) self.memory = new_pos return new_pos
[docs] def random(self, position, bounds, **kwargs): """Set position to random location This method resets particles that exeed the bounds to a random position inside the boundary conditions. """ lb, ub = bounds lower_than_bound, greater_than_bound = self._out_of_bounds( position, bounds ) # Set indices that are greater than bounds new_pos = position new_pos[greater_than_bound[0]] = np.array( [ np.array([u - l for u, l in zip(ub, lb)]) * np.random.random_sample((position.shape[1],)) + lb ] ) new_pos[lower_than_bound[0]] = np.array( [ np.array([u - l for u, l in zip(ub, lb)]) * np.random.random_sample((position.shape[1],)) + lb ] ) return new_pos
[docs] def intermediate(self, position, bounds, **kwargs): r"""Set the particle to an intermediate position This method resets particles that exceed the bounds to an intermediate position between the boundary and their earlier position. Namely, it changes the coordinate of the out-of-bounds axis to the middle value between the previous position and the boundary of the axis. The following equation describes this strategy: .. math:: x_{i, t, d} = \begin{cases} \frac{1}{2} \left (x_{i, t-1, d} + lb_d \right) & \quad \text{if }x_{i, t, d} < lb_d \\ \frac{1}{2} \left (x_{i, t-1, d} + ub_d \right) & \quad \text{if }x_{i, t, d} > ub_d \\ x_{i, t, d} & \quad \text{otherwise} \end{cases} """ if self.memory is None: new_pos = position self.memory = new_pos else: lb, ub = bounds lower_than_bound, greater_than_bound = self._out_of_bounds( position, bounds ) new_pos = position new_pos[lower_than_bound] = 0.5 * ( self.memory[lower_than_bound] + lb[lower_than_bound[1]] ) new_pos[greater_than_bound] = 0.5 * ( self.memory[greater_than_bound] + ub[greater_than_bound[1]] ) self.memory = new_pos return new_pos
[docs] def periodic(self, position, bounds, **kwargs): r"""Sets the particles a periodic fashion This method resets the particles that exeed the bounds by using the modulo function to cut down the position. This creates a virtual, periodic plane which is tiled with the search space. The following equation describtes this strategy: .. math:: :nowrap: \begin{gather*} x_{i, t, d} = \begin{cases} ub_d - (lb_d - x_{i, t, d}) \mod s_d & \quad \text{if }x_{i, t, d} < lb_d \\ lb_d + (x_{i, t, d} - ub_d) \mod s_d & \quad \text{if }x_{i, t, d} > ub_d \\ x_{i, t, d} & \quad \text{otherwise} \end{cases}\\ \\ \text{with}\\ \\ s_d = |ub_d - lb_d| \end{gather*} """ lb, ub = bounds lower_than_bound, greater_than_bound = self._out_of_bounds( position, bounds ) bound_d = np.tile( np.abs(np.array(ub) - np.array(lb)), (position.shape[0], 1) ) ub = np.tile(ub, (position.shape[0], 1)) lb = np.tile(lb, (position.shape[0], 1)) new_pos = position if lower_than_bound[0].size != 0 and lower_than_bound[1].size != 0: new_pos[lower_than_bound] = ub[lower_than_bound] - np.mod( (lb[lower_than_bound] - new_pos[lower_than_bound]), bound_d[lower_than_bound], ) if greater_than_bound[0].size != 0 and greater_than_bound[1].size != 0: new_pos[greater_than_bound] = lb[greater_than_bound] + np.mod( (new_pos[greater_than_bound] - ub[greater_than_bound]), bound_d[greater_than_bound], ) return new_pos
[docs]class VelocityHandler(HandlerMixin):
[docs] def __init__(self, strategy): """A VelocityHandler class This class offers a way to handle velocities. It contains methods to repair the velocities of particles that exceeded the defined boundaries. Following strategies are available for the handling: * Unmodified: Returns the unmodified velocites. * Adjust Returns the velocity that is adjusted to be the distance between the current and the previous position. * Invert Inverts and shrinks the velocity by the factor :code:`-z`. * Zero Sets the velocity of out-of-bounds particles to zero. """ self.strategy = strategy self.strategies = self._get_all_strategies() self.rep = Reporter(logger=logging.getLogger(__name__)) self.memory = None
[docs] def __call__(self, velocity, clamp, **kwargs): """Apply the selected strategy to the velocity-matrix given the bounds Parameters ---------- velocity : numpy.ndarray The swarm position to be handled clamp : tuple of numpy.ndarray or list a tuple of size 2 where the first entry is the minimum clamp while the second entry is the maximum clamp. Each array must be of shape :code:`(dimensions,)` kwargs : dict Returns ------- numpy.ndarray the adjusted positions of the swarm """ try: new_position = self.strategies[self.strategy]( velocity, clamp, **kwargs ) except KeyError: message = "Unrecognized strategy: {}. Choose one among: " + str( [strat for strat in self.strategies.keys()] ) self.rep.logger.exception(message.format(self.strategy)) raise else: return new_position
def __apply_clamp(self, velocity, clamp): """Helper method to apply a clamp to a velocity vector""" clamped_vel = velocity min_velocity, max_velocity = clamp lower_than_clamp = clamped_vel <= min_velocity greater_than_clamp = clamped_vel >= max_velocity clamped_vel = np.where(lower_than_clamp, min_velocity, clamped_vel) clamped_vel = np.where(greater_than_clamp, max_velocity, clamped_vel) return clamped_vel
[docs] def unmodified(self, velocity, clamp=None, **kwargs): """Leaves the velocity unchanged""" if clamp is None: new_vel = velocity else: if clamp is not None: new_vel = self.__apply_clamp(velocity, clamp) return new_vel
[docs] def adjust(self, velocity, clamp=None, **kwargs): r"""Adjust the velocity to the new position The velocity is adjusted such that the following equation holds: .. math:: \mathbf{v_{i,t}} = \mathbf{x_{i,t}} - \mathbf{x_{i,t-1}} .. note:: This method should only be used in combination with a position handling operation. """ try: if self.memory is None: new_vel = velocity self.memory = kwargs["position"] else: new_vel = kwargs["position"] - self.memory self.memory = kwargs["position"] if clamp is not None: new_vel = self.__apply_clamp(new_vel, clamp) except KeyError: self.rep.logger.exception("Keyword 'position' missing") raise else: return new_vel
[docs] def invert(self, velocity, clamp=None, **kwargs): r"""Invert the velocity if the particle is out of bounds The velocity is inverted and shrinked. The shrinking is determined by the kwarg :code:`z`. The default shrinking factor is :code:`0.5`. For all velocities whose particles are out of bounds the following equation is applied: .. math:: \mathbf{v_{i,t}} = -z\mathbf{v_{i,t}} """ try: # Default for the shrinking factor if "z" not in kwargs: z = 0.5 else: z = kwargs["z"] lower_than_bound, greater_than_bound = self._out_of_bounds( kwargs["position"], kwargs["bounds"] ) new_vel = velocity new_vel[lower_than_bound[0]] = (-z) * new_vel[lower_than_bound[0]] new_vel[greater_than_bound[0]] = (-z) * new_vel[ greater_than_bound[0] ] if clamp is not None: new_vel = self.__apply_clamp(new_vel, clamp) except KeyError: self.rep.logger.exception("Keyword 'position' or 'bounds' missing") raise else: return new_vel
[docs] def zero(self, velocity, clamp=None, **kwargs): """Set velocity to zero if the particle is out of bounds""" try: lower_than_bound, greater_than_bound = self._out_of_bounds( kwargs["position"], kwargs["bounds"] ) new_vel = velocity new_vel[lower_than_bound[0]] = np.zeros(velocity.shape[1]) new_vel[greater_than_bound[0]] = np.zeros(velocity.shape[1]) except KeyError: self.rep.logger.exception("Keyword 'position' or 'bounds' missing") raise else: return new_vel
[docs]class OptionsHandler(HandlerMixin):
[docs] def __init__(self, strategy): """An OptionsHandler class This class offers a way to handle options. It contains methods to vary the options at runtime. Following strategies are available for the handling: * exp_decay: Decreases the parameter exponentially between limits. * lin_variation: Decreases/increases the parameter linearly between limits. * random: takes a uniform random value between limits * nonlin_mod: Decreases/increases the parameter between limits according to a nonlinear modulation index . The OptionsHandler can be called as a function to use the strategy that is passed at initialization to account for time-varying coefficients. An example for the usage: .. code-block :: python from pyswarms.backend import operators as op from pyswarms.backend.handlers import OptionsHandler oh = OptionsHandler(strategy={ "w":"exp_decay", "c1":"nonlin_mod","c2":"lin_variation"}) for i in range(iters): # initial operations for global and local best positions new_options = oh(default_options, iternow=i, itermax=iters, end_opts={"c1":0.5, "c2":2.5, "w":0.4}) # more updates using new_options .. note:: As of pyswarms v1.3.0, you will need to create your own optimization loop to change the default ending options and other arguments for each strategy in all of the handlers on this page. A more comprehensive tutorial is also present `here`_ for interested users. .. _here: Attributes ---------- strategy : str The strategy to use. To see all available strategies, call :code:`OptionsHandler.strategies` """ self.strategy = strategy self.strategies = self._get_all_strategies() self.rep = Reporter(logger=logging.getLogger(__name__))
[docs] def __call__(self, start_opts, **kwargs): try: if not self.strategy: return start_opts return_opts = copy(start_opts) for opt in start_opts: if opt in self.strategy: return_opts[opt] = self.strategies[self.strategy[opt]]( start_opts, opt, **kwargs ) except KeyError: message = "Unrecognized strategy: {}. Choose one among: " + str( [strat for strat in self.strategies.keys()] ) self.rep.logger.exception(message.format(self.strategy)) raise else: return return_opts
[docs] def exp_decay(self, start_opts, opt, **kwargs): """Exponentially decreasing between :math:`w_{start}` and :math:`w_{end}` The velocity is adjusted such that the following equation holds: Defaults: :math:`d_{1}=2, d_{2}=7, w^{end} = 0.4, c^{end}_{1} = 0.8 * c^{start}_{1}, c^{end}_{2} = c^{start}_{2}` .. math:: w = (w^{start}-w^{end}-d_{1})exp(\\frac{1}{1+ \\frac{d_{2}.iter}{iter^{max}}}) Ref: Li, H.-R., & Gao, Y.-L. (2009). Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm with Exponent Decreasing Inertia Weight and Stochastic Mutation. 2009 Second International Conference on Information and Computing Science. doi:10.1109/icic.2009.24 """ try: # default values from reference paper if "d1" not in kwargs: d1 = 0.2 else: d1 = kwargs["d1"] if "d2" not in kwargs: d2 = 7 else: d2 = kwargs["d2"] end_opts = { "w": 0.4, "c1": 0.8 * start_opts["c1"], "c2": 1 * start_opts["c2"], } if "end_opts" in kwargs: if opt in kwargs["end_opts"]: end_opts[opt] = kwargs["end_opts"][opt] start = start_opts[opt] end = end_opts[opt] new_val = (start - end - d1) * math.exp( 1 / (1 + d2 * kwargs["iternow"] / kwargs["itermax"]) ) except KeyError: self.rep.logger.exception("Keyword 'itermax' or 'iternow' missing") raise else: return new_val
[docs] def lin_variation(self, start_opts, opt, **kwargs): """ Linearly decreasing/increasing between :math:`w_{start}` and :math:`w_{end}` Defaults: :math:`w^{end} = 0.4, c^{end}_{1} = 0.8 * c^{start}_{1}, c^{end}_{2} = c^{start}_{2}` .. math:: w = w^{end}+(w^{start}-w^{end}) \\frac{iter^{max}-iter}{iter^{max}} Ref: Xin, Jianbin, Guimin Chen, and Yubao Hai. "A particle swarm optimizer with multi-stage linearly-decreasing inertia weight." 2009 International joint conference on computational sciences and optimization. Vol. 1. IEEE, 2009. """ try: end_opts = { "w": 0.4, "c1": 0.8 * start_opts["c1"], "c2": 1 * start_opts["c2"], } if "end_opts" in kwargs: if opt in kwargs["end_opts"]: end_opts[opt] = kwargs["end_opts"][opt] start = start_opts[opt] end = end_opts[opt] new_val = ( end + (start - end) * (kwargs["itermax"] - kwargs["iternow"]) / kwargs["itermax"] ) except KeyError: self.rep.logger.exception("Keyword 'itermax' or 'iternow' missing") raise else: return new_val
[docs] def random(self, start_opts, opt, **kwargs): """Random value between :math:`w^{start}` and :math:`w^{end}` .. math:: w = start + (end-start)*rand(0,1) Ref: R.C. Eberhart, Y.H. Shi, Tracking and optimizing dynamic systems with particle swarms, in: Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Korea, 2001 """ start = start_opts[opt] if opt in kwargs["end_opts"]: end = kwargs["end_opts"][opt] else: end = start + 1 return start + (end - start) * np.random.rand()
[docs] def nonlin_mod(self, start_opts, opt, **kwargs): """Non linear decreasing/increasing with modulation index(n). The linear strategy can be made to converge faster without compromising on exploration with the use of this index which makes the equation non-linear. Defaults: :math:`n=1.2` .. math:: w = w^{end}+(w^{start}-w^{end}) \\frac{(iter^{max}-iter)^{n}}{(iter^{max})^{n}} Ref: A. Chatterjee, P. Siarry, Nonlinear inertia weight variation for dynamic adaption in particle swarm optimization, Computer and Operations Research 33 (2006) 859–871, March 2006 """ try: if "n" not in kwargs: n = 1.2 else: n = kwargs["n"] end_opts = { "w": 0.4, "c1": 0.8 * start_opts["c1"], "c2": 1 * start_opts["c2"], } if "end_opts" in kwargs: if opt in kwargs["end_opts"]: end_opts[opt] = kwargs["end_opts"][opt] start = start_opts[opt] end = end_opts[opt] new_val = end + (start - end) * ( (kwargs["itermax"] - kwargs["iternow"]) ** n / kwargs["itermax"] ** n ) except KeyError: self.rep.logger.exception("Keyword 'itermax' or 'iternow' missing") raise else: return new_val